Behavior Modification
Together we can tackle changing a PUP’s emotional response to external stimuli in a positive way! Your dog is not GIVING you a hard time, they are HAVING a hard time.
Some dogs, for whatever reason, be it environmental or genetic, can be prone to some deep-rooted struggles. Undesired behavior can be worrisome and even embarrassing for the parent, visitors, and of course for the dog. In some cases it can be dangerous or contribute to unhealthy development. Undesired behavior can stem from many things, but the most important part is learning how to help them.
Below are a few areas we can address together:
Reactivity covered with BAT and LAT protocols and practicing under a dog’s threshold
Impulsive Greeting
Resource Guarding
Jumping - Check out my YouTube Channel
Dogs are unique and so is their behavior. Your dog may have some surprising behaviors and ones that need to be addressed.
Anxiety or Aggression - Better PUPS will provide a suitable referral for trainers who specialize in helping dogs with certain anxiety or aggression issues.
Meet My Decoy Dog
This handsome stuffed PUP is a very useful helper when working on reactivity. He is life-sized, realistic to dogs, and doesn’t bark back, which is crucial. He keeps everyone involved in LAT or BAT setups safe.